Get Involved

We gain nothing by being with such as ourselves. We encourage one another in mediocrity. I am always longing to be with men more excellent than myself.

Charles Lamb

The Denver Lodging Association is looking for new members and member vendors. We value the thoughts, knowledge, opinions and participation of public facility engineers and operators. It is not mandatory that your building involve overnight usage. There is no cost for involvement for member engineers.

Public Facility Vendors are a welcome entity, and a valuable component in our association. Vendors must have an ethical reputation, experience in their field and professional business practices. Vendors must be recommended (or sponsored) into our group by an existing member engineer.

Current Membership fee for Vendors is $325 annually

Hotel Engineers
Condominium Engineers
Senior Living Facility Operators
Apartment complex Maintenance Engineers
University and Dormitory Engineers
Public Facility Engineers

Due to COVID-19 our Association has temporarily shifted to a Virtual format. You will soon be notified of our next virtual Meeting.
Because of change of format we will be reducing vendor membership fee for 2020 to $150. We appreciate your support during this difficult time. We are committed to being part of the solution.

Denver Lodging Engineers Association

“The rise or fall, success or failure of your dreams is largely dependent on the association you build around yourself.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

Worthy Thoughts